Project Summary / Abstract
The 2022 Gordon Research Conference on Mutagenesis will explore cutting edge research into
the mechanisms and consequences of changes in the genomic sequence of organisms from all
branches of life. Alterations to the genetic blueprint of an organisms lies at the heart of many
aspects of biology and pathology. Despite being a well-established conference, `Mutagenesis'
remains a forefront topic, bridging the traditional boundaries of many fields. It drives the evolution
of cancer, the escape of bacteria from killing by antibiotics as well as beneficial processes such
as viral restriction and effective adaptive immunity. Importantly, common molecular mechanisms
link these apparently diverse processes and a key aim of the conference will be to bring together
fields that do not normally interact strongly. Further, the meeting will highlight a wide range of
experimental approaches from deep sequencing to single molecule biophysics and bring together
scientists of all career stages and backgrounds, from academia to industry. The GRC will
comprise 28 invited speakers with 24 slots for talks to be selected from the abstracts as well as
an interactive poster session. In addition, the GRS, which precedes the main conference will have
further oral and poster presentation opportunities specifically for graduate students and post-docs,
as well as a career panel discussion. A `power hour' in the main meeting will focus on the
challenges facing women in science. We aim to foster an interactive, friendly environment in which
ideas can be freely exchanged independently of background or seniority. To that end, the
sessions and working meals will be supplemented with a vigorous social program to foster
these interactions. The GRC program will be organized into nine morning and evening
sessions entitled: (1) Fundamental mechanisms of mutagenesis (Keynote session); (2) DNA
damage tolerance at the replication fork; (3) Visualizing mutagenic mechanisms; (4) Mutagenesis
arising from replication errors; (5) RNA-dependent mutagenesis; (6) Repeat and barrier-induced
mutagenesis; (7) Understanding mutagenic signatures in cancer and aging; (8) Environmental
and endogenous mutagenesis and (9) Evolvability and adaptation. The GRC and GRS will thus
promote exchange of the latest ideas and techniques in the broad field of mutagenesis and drive
new ideas and cross-field collaborations while enhancing and promoting the careers of the next
generation of scientists in this dynamic and exciting field.