Support is requested for a Keystone Symposia conference entitled Bioenergetics in Health and Diseases,
organized by Drs. Shingo Kajimura, Anna Krook and Jared Rutter. The conference will be held in Keystone,
Colorado from January 15-19, 2023.
Bioenergetic defects lie at the heart of metabolic disease, age-related disease, and cancer; however, what
initiates the processes remain insufficiently understood. Over the last several years, the field has been
transformed because of several breakthroughs and continues to expand. For instance, new mechanisms of
futile cycling were identified. Novel regulators of mitochondrial metabolism and their roles in metabolic
diseases and cancer have been reported. The sensitivity and resolution of metabolomics, lipidomics, and
proteomics technologies are rapidly increasing. Thus, there is momentum to organize a conference that
focuses on this exciting and emerging topic in the context of metabolic diseases, exercise, and cancer. The
program includes a multi-disciplinary speaker lineup that will cover topics such as mitochondrial bioenergetics,
cancer metabolism, exercise physiology, and metabolic diseases. Moreover, this conference will be held
jointly with the Keystone Symposia conference, “Adipose Tissue: Energizing Good Fat.” This pairing will
feature three shared sessions: Metabolic Flux in Health and Disease, Bioenergetics and Energy Homeostasis,
and Adipose Tissue and Metabolic Diseases. It is anticipated that these topics will create numerous new
collaborations and cross-disciplinary interactions. All in all, this conference was designed to discuss the
emerging questions in the field of bioenergetics in the context of metabolic diseases at molecular and
organismal levels, in addition to facilitating synergy between established and new investigators in the field of
energy metabolism.