This grant application requests funds to partially support the 2024 Streptococcal Biology Gordon Research
Conference (GRC) and its associated Seminar (GRS). This will be the third meeting of this GRC, which has been
highly successful in its prior years of 2018 and 2022. This will also be the 2nd meeting of the GRS, whose purpose
is to foster development of the next generation of investigators and invite their active participation and integration
into the broader research community. Both meetings will be held at the Grand Summit Hotel at Sunday River,
Newry, Maine, USA. The GRS is to be held August 10-11, and the GRC August 11-16. The 2024 Chairs are Drs.
Michael Federle and Jan-Willem Veening, who served as Co-Vice Chairs in 2022. Drs.
Kimberly Kline and Jose
will serve as Co-Vice Chairs and then will Chair the 2026 meeting. Postdoctoral fellows
Luke Joyce and
Kristin Huse
will Co-Chair the GRS. The GRS/GRC program encompasses a wide range of exciting topics among
important human and animal pathogens from the genera Streptococcus and Enterococcus. Topics will include
genomics, virulence regulation, antimicrobial resistance, new antimicrobial targets, host-pathogen interactions,
clinical findings, microbial communities, and advancing therapeutics. Invited speakers and discussion leaders
will address the most current and exciting topics in the field. The overall goal is to bring the world’s leading
scientists and the most promising young investigators and trainees together in a collegial and supportive
environment. The specific goals are to: 1) provide a forum for the presentation of unpublished, cutting-edge
research on streptococci and enterococci and foster formal and informal discussions on how these results
advance the field; 2) include investigators and clinicians focusing on diverse streptococcal species and define
the impact of these on infection; 3) expand the boundaries of the work of the scientists within this field; and 4)
ensure development and integration of young investigators, including those in under-represented groups into the
broader research community in a meaningful and interactive way.The collegial atmosphere will include organized
discussion sessions during talks and poster sessions and opportunities for informal gatherings in the afternoons
and evenings, providing an ideal setting for scientists from different disciplines to exchange ideas and foster
cross-disciplinary collaborations among peers and the next generation of investigators. Thus, these events will
provide a fundamentally important opportunity not currently offered to this field in any other global venue, to bring
together leading investigators in a format designed for the free exchange of research results and ideas covering
all aspects of streptococcal biology and its relationship to disease. Together with the GRS, the GRC will promote
diversity, equity and inclusion and the development of promising young investigators in the field and their
integration into the larger research community. In the short term, this will significantly enhance the ability of
investigators around the world to address critical problems in streptococcal and enterococcal diseases, while in
the long term it will ensure the continued success of their efforts and those of the next generation of investigators.