Translation produces the proteins necessary for a cell’s function and relies on the ribosome, a highly
conserved protein and RNA complex. Post-meiotic male germ cells are especially reliant on translation
regulation, and consequently ribosome function. The long-term goal of this project is to determine the
molecular mechanism by which ADAD1, a nuclear post-meiotic male germ cell-specific RNA binding
protein, impacts translation. Previous work from our laboratory demonstrated Adad1 is required for male
fertility as mutation leads to defects in post-meiotic germ cell differentiation. Although previously
proposed as an RNA editing enzyme, our evidence demonstrates ADAD1 loss does not influence mRNA
editing, making the molecular function of ADAD1 unknown.
In preliminary data from our laboratory, we demonstrate ADAD1 loss leads to abnormal ribosome
association of transcripts important for post-meiotic germ cell differentiation, reduced ribosomal RNA
modification, and aberrant expression of ribosomal proteins and ribosome biogenesis factors. Together,
these observations lead to the hypothesis that ADAD1 influences translation of post-meiotic
transcripts by modulating nuclear ribosome biogenesis. The goal of this proposal is to generate the
genetic tools and datasets necessary to robustly test this hypothesis through two aims. Aim 1 will define
ADAD1 interacting proteins and RNAs in post-meiotic germ cells by generating an epitope tagged
Adad1 allele and combining it with immunoprecipitation mass spectrometry and RNA sequencing. These
efforts will shed light on ADAD1’s molecular mechanism of action. Aim 2 will quantify ribosome
protein composition in Adad1 mutants and during germ cell development using quantitative mass
spectrometry coupled to immunoprecipitation of a cell-specific epitope-tagged ribosome protein.
Together, these analyses will quantify ADAD1’s impact on ribosome protein composition as well as
define, for the first time, the meiotic and post-meiotic germ cell ribosome proteome.
Historically, the ribosome was considered invariant across tissues and cells, however recent
experimental evidence indicates ribosomal protein or RNA composition can vary, resulting in a
specialized ribosome with unique translation dynamics. Whether germ cells leverage ribosome variation
to control translation is an unexplored question that could have a dramatic impact on our understanding
of germ cell biology. The studies proposed here will lay the foundations for defining the role of ADAD1 as
well as identifying the male germ cell as a model for ribosome-level translation control.