Anthracycline-based chemotherapeutics such as doxorubicin (Adriamycin) are among the most widely used
anticancer agents in oncology for the treatment of multiple solid tumors and leukemias. The clinical use of
doxorubicin is associated with a dose-limiting, potentially lethal cardiotoxicity for which no effective
preventative treatments are presently available. In addition, the mechanism by which doxorubicin accumulates
into cardiomyocytes remains to this day unknown. Using a technique based on human induced pluripotent
stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes from cancer patients receiving doxorubicin, we recently found that uptake
transporter OCT3 is highly upregulated in patients experiencing cardiotoxicity. Functional validation studies in
OCT3-deficient mice and heterologous overexpressed models confirmed that doxorubicin is transported into
cardiomyocytes by OCT3. Furthermore, deficiency of OCT3 protected mice from acute and chronic
doxorubicin-related changes in cardiovascular function and genetic pathways associated with cardiac damage,
and these findings were confirmed using cardiac MRI-based methods. To provide proof-of-principle and
demonstrate translational relevance of this transport mechanism, we found that pharmacological targeting of
OCT3 can also preserve cardiovascular function following treatment with doxorubicin without affecting its
plasma levels and its cytotoxic potential against multiple leukemia and breast cancer cell lines. Finally, we
identified a previously unrecognized, OCT3-dependent pathway of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity that
results in a downstream signaling cascade involving the calcium binding proteins S100A8 and S100A9, and we
validated this observation in a mouse model with S100A8 and S100A8 deficiency. Based on these preliminary
findings, we now outline three sets of related studies that will further test and refine the validity of our central
hypothesis that targeted inhibition of OCT3 function can specifically affect accumulation of doxorubicin in
cardiomyocytes and affect downstream toxic events without negatively influencing its plasma pharmacokinetic
profile or antitumor properties: (i) identification, validation, and mechanistic characterization of novel OCT3
inhibitors from a library screen that includes FDA-approved agents in novel humanized knock-in and
conditional knock-out mouse models; (ii) functional validation of endogenous and exogenous cardiac-specific
OCT3 biomarkers that could serve as a companion diagnostic to guide dose selection of OCT3 inhibitors; and
(iii) safety, toxicokinetic, and efficacy analyses of optimized combinatorial regimens of OCT3 inhibitors with
doxorubicin (acute and chronic), including simultaneous assessment of cardiac protection and antitumor
properties in established experimental models of breast cancer and acute leukemias. It is expected that these
studies will shed new light on the etiology of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity and provide a rationale for the
future implementation of novel targeted intervention strategies to prevent this debilitating side effect.