Cilia damage and ciliated cell loss brought on by epithelial remodeling contributes to defective mucociliary
clearance in chronic inflammatory airway diseases such as cystic fibrosis (CF), chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS),
asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Proper ciliated cell formation requires
coordination of ciliated cell fate acquisition and ciliogenesis programs, but our mechanistic understanding is
incomplete. Current treatments do not directly target or fully reverse ciliary dysfunction, highlighting the
need for novel molecular targets for specific therapies. We showed that ciliated cell formation and function
depend on sequentially deployed Wnt signaling pathways. First, canonical, or β-catenin-dependent Wnt
signaling (Wnt/β- cat) is required for ciliated cell fate acquisition, which then must be turned off. Next,
noncanonical Wnt/planar cell polarity signaling (Wnt/PCP) is turned on and stays on to control ciliogenesis
and polarized ciliary motility. In CF and CRS airways and in primary cultures remodeled by proinflammatory
cytokine treatment Wnt/β-cat stays active, and Wnt/PCP is blocked. Wnt/β-cat inhibition alleviates ciliary
dysfunction in vitro. Thus, we propose that instead of two independent Wnt pathways, a canonical to
noncanonical Wnt signaling switch controls healthy ciliated cell formation, and “switch failure” is a mediator
and therapeutic target in ciliary dysfunction. Our preliminary data show that DKK3, a canonical Wnt/β-cat
inhibitor and WNT4, a noncanonical ligand, co-secreted by airway epithelial stem cells are required together
to suppress Wnt/β-cat and to activate Wnt/PCP within ciliated cells. Downstream, we show that β-catenin,
the central effector of Wnt/β-cat is inactivated and sequestered at the basal bodies of cilia. We demonstrate
that DKK3 and WNT4 expression is disrupted in diseased, and cytokine treated epithelia. Thus, we
hypothesize that DKK3/WNT4-dependent signaling and β-catenin basal body sequestration are required for
healthy ciliated cell formation and that disruption of this Wnt switch mechanism mediates in ciliary
dysfunction in inflamed airway epithelia. Here, we use transgenic mouse models, human primary cells, and
tissues to test this hypothesis in the following aims: In Aim 1, we test the necessity and sufficiency of
epithelial DKK3/WNT4 to regulate Wnt signaling and ciliated cell formation through the switch using
Dkk3/Wnt4 knockout mice, CRISPR deletion in cells and ectopic expression. In Aim 2, we test if the switch is
mediated by the DKK3/WNT4-dependent sequestration β-catenin at basal bodies where it then acts to
control ciliogenesis. In Aim 3, we investigate the IL-1β cytokine as a driver of Wnt switch failure and test the
ectopic DKK3/WNT4-mediated mitigation of ciliary dysfunction. The new paradigm of the canonical to
noncanonical Wnt signaling switch explored in this proposal will establish molecular mechanistic insight into
the role of airway epithelial Wnt signaling, elucidate switch failure as a cause of ciliated cell dysfunction,
and provide the rationale and potential targets for Wnt modulation in a wide range of chronic lung diseases.