The long-term goal of this work is to facilitate the faithful regeneration of damaged human tissues. Regeneration
in adult mammals is extremely limited; damaged tissue in most major organs fails to regenerate, and instead
undergoes scar-based repair. The lack of adult regenerative capacity is an enormous burden on the healthcare
system and society as a whole. Although both human and mouse digit tips can undergo a true regenerative
response, this regeneration is positionally restricted to the terminal distal phalanx bone. Importantly, amputations
with an axis point below the terminal distal phalanx bone or too close to the nail bed result in regeneration failure.
Notably, salamander limbs have an anatomy similar to that of human limbs, but uniquely regenerate after
amputation from any position throughout adult life. The biological mechanisms limiting regeneration in adult
mammals is poorly understood. Although the immune system is a powerful regulator of wound repair, the exact
role of immune-cell networks as a determinant of regenerative success has been grossly understudied. In our
regeneration studies, including those proposed here, we use the mouse digit-tip model, examining regeneration
following tissue removal at different digit locations. This is a powerful model, as regeneration can be measured
non-invasively with high-resolution micro-computed tomography 3D-imaging (bone/soft tissue volume), and
analyzed comprehensively using histology and molecular analysis. We identified several lymphoid immune-cell
types that inhibit mouse digit-tip regeneration via cytotoxic activity against progenitor cells and showed that T-
regulatory cells (Tregs) play a critical role in protecting progenitors from these cells. We also found that in mice
lacking lymphoid immunity, novel regeneration is induced, providing new models to identify pro-regenerative
cells and molecular pathways that can be exploited therapeutically. Importantly, we also identified several
lymphoid-cell types that support regeneration, suggesting the potential to therapeutically enhance human repair
through targeted immunomodulation. This project aims to identify and characterize the mechanisms by which
lymphoid cells regulate adult regeneration. Specifically, we will: Aim 1: Dissect and characterize lymphoid-cell
mechanisms inhibiting regeneration. We will use a range of mouse strains with mutations in cytotoxic function in
ex vivo and in vivo analyses. Aim 2: Define mechanisms of pro-regenerative Treg suppression of lymphoid-cell
cytotoxicity using Treg-specific deletion of functional genes in vivo. Aim 3: Test the hypothesis that targeted
disarming of lymphoid cells could enhance regeneration in vivo. We will test tolerogenic molecules in ex vivo
cytotoxicity assays and then evaluate tolerogenic antigen overexpression in vivo both direct transgenic and viral
approaches and then via a modified Treg delivery strategy. This project will fuse developmental biology and
immunological methods to identify the critical biological pathways and genetic modifiers required for transient
immunomodulation strategies directed at inducing latent regenerative potential in adult tissues in mammals. This
work will lay the groundwork for translation studies aimed at enhancing tissue repair in human patients.