Up to 12% of pregnant women have a new episode of depression, ie, an incident or recurrent depressive
episode with symptom onset during pregnancy. Effects of untreated antenatal depression include unhealthy
maternal behaviors (eg, diminished self-care, smoking, substance use, self-harm) and emotional and
behavioral problems in offspring. Antenatal depression or elevated depression scores, identified by screening
instruments, increase the risk of preterm birth (PTB), low birth weight (LBW), and small for gestational age
(SGA) birth, and are associated with breastfeeding discontinuation before 3 months postpartum. In-person
psychotherapy and antidepressant medication improve depression symptoms in many with depression, yet
<50% of pregnant women with new episodes of depression initiate these treatments. Although some barriers to
initiating antidepressants and psychotherapy are known, other factors have not been well described, especially
after accounting for depression severity. Furthermore, the impact of antidepressants and psychotherapy on
perinatal outcomes, including PTB, LBW, SGA, and breastfeeding continuation among pregnant women with
new episodes of depression after accounting for confounding by depression severity is unknown.
Given the importance of factors influencing the decision to initiate antidepressant or psychotherapy treatment
during pregnancy and the need for further evidence on the perinatal risks and benefits associated with
antidepressant use and psychotherapy in pregnant women, the goal of this study is to identify predictors and
perinatal effects of psychotherapy and antidepressant use for new episodes of depression during pregnancy
while accounting for depression severity. We will conduct this study in a racially and ethnically diverse multi-
site population using electronic health data, enriched with survey data from a subset of women.
Among pregnant women with new episodes of depression, we will evaluate factors that influence the
propensity to initiate psychotherapy or antidepressants; accounting for these is crucial when studying treatment
effects. We will describe patterns of use of alternative depression management approaches (eg, Internet-
based psychotherapy, peer support groups, and complementary and alternative medicine) and will evaluate
whether initiation of psychotherapy or antidepressants is associated with these practices while accounting for
depression severity. We will quantify the impact of psychotherapy and antidepressants (including dose, timing,
and duration of use) on PTB, LBW, SGA, and breastfeeding continuation accounting for the propensity to
initiate psychotherapy or antidepressants and depression severity.
We are uniquely positioned to overcome limitations of confounding and small size in prior studies given our
data on depression severity and maternal comorbidity for more than 8,000 pregnant women. Our study will be
informative for understanding the mental health interventions utilized by pregnant women with depression and
will inform decision making on optimal depression management during pregnancy.