Hedgehog Signal Transduction from the Cell Surface to the Nucleus during Vertebrate Eye Development
The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway is essential for eye development, controlling a diverse array of fundamental
patterning, morphogenesis, and differentiation events during oculogenesis. Misregulated Hh signaling instigates
a spectrum of human developmental eye disorders, including holoprosencephaly, cyclopia, uveal coloboma and
retinal dystrophy. This signaling pathway is therefore a prime therapeutic target for eye development disorders
and for regenerative medicine efforts. During Hh signal transduction, the cell surface atypical G protein-coupled
receptor (GPCR) SMOOTHENED (SMO) communicates with GLI transcription factors in the nucleus, via a
mechanism that has remained enigmatic for decades. We recently found that SMO directly binds to the catalytic
subunit of protein kinase A (PKAcat) and physically blocks its enzymatic activity. As a result, PKAcat cannot
phosphorylate and inhibit GLI, leading to GLI activation. Thus, our work highlights two potential routes –
traditional G protein coupling and our new direct PKAcat inhibition pathway – for Hh signal transduction from the
cell surface to the nucleus during oculogenesis. How these two pathways regulate different stages of eye
development, and how to target each of them optimally for therapeutic purposes, remains largely unknown. We
hypothesize that SMO controls eye development by deploying the G protein coupling and PKA-binding pathways
in a spatiotemporally distinct manner. Here we propose to combine organoid, and animal models, along with
protein structure approaches, to uncover how SMO orchestrates eye development. We will: (1) learn how the
SMO G protein coupling and PKA-binding pathways controls retinal development, using human retinal organoid
development and retinal ganglion cell (RGC) differentiation as outputs for Hh pathway-dependent signaling
processes in the human retina; (2) assess the impact of each SMO-dependent pathway on ocular Hh signaling
in a whole animal context, using zebrafish to define the spatiotemporal contributions of each SMO-dependent
pathway to optic fissure formation and RGC differentiation in vivo; (3) solve the structure of a vertebrate SMO /
PKAcat complex using X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, to learn how SMO engages PKAcat at
the atomic level, enabling precise manipulation of this interaction for therapeutic purposes. To carry out the
proposed studies, we have assembled a team of experts in biochemical / cell biological mechanisms of Hh signal
transduction (Myers), structure / biophysics of PKA (Taylor), human cellular and organoid retina models (Wahlin),
and zebrafish eye development (Kwan). The knowledge gleaned from our work will be vital in the development
of therapeutics for a range of debilitating eye disorders, as well as for production of specific ocular cell types in
regenerative medicine. It will also foster the development of drugs that selectively modulate either the SMO-G
protein or SMO / PKAcat signaling pathways, enabling more precise generation of desired ocular cell types for
regenerative medicine and more effective treatments for ocular conditions in the future.