Among the estimated one million Americans who have screened positive for specific genetic variants related to
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome (HBOC) or Lynch Syndrome (LS), less than half are up to
date on evidence-based cancer prevention measures that may increase early detection of syndrome-related
cancers or prevent these cancers altogether. Most patients newly diagnosed with hereditary cancer syndromes
receive extensive initial care from genetic counselors or oncology teams but for many patients without a cancer
diagnosis at the time of syndrome identification, access to regular follow-up care from oncologists and genetic
counselors is limited. Pilot data show that the most frequent source of care for patients with HBOC or LS is the
primary care setting, but many primary care clinicians are unfamiliar with rapidly evolving cancer prevention
guidelines for patients with HBOC or LS. Although primary care clinicians are ideally positioned to make timely
referrals to subspecialists for indicated cancer prevention care and procedures, access to evidence-based
clinical decision support to optimize care for patients with these hereditary cancer syndromes does not exist.
We posit that using primary care clinical encounters to promote appropriate subspecialist referral and testing of
these high-risk patients will improve quality of care and clinical outcomes for patients with these hereditary
cancer syndromes. To achieve this goal, we expand an effective patient-centered primary care clinical decision
support (PC-CDS) system to guide evidence-based care of these high-risk patients, and assess intervention
impact on up-to-date cancer prevention care, shared decision making, and patient self-efficacy in managing
hereditary cancer risks. The web-based nature of the proposed PC-CDS system, its prior success in improving
primary care for a wide range of other chronic conditions, and its high use rates in primary care settings
suggest that this approach to care improvement may be an effective strategy to increase appropriate referrals
and evidence-based preventive care of adults with these hereditary cancer syndromes. To assess intervention
impact on care of adults with specific pathogenic or likely pathogenic gene variants related to HBOC or LS, we
randomly assign 30 primary care clinics with an estimated 2488 study-eligible patients with laboratory or
electronic health record (EHR)-documented HBOC or LS to usual care (N=15 clinics) or to the PC-CDS
intervention (N=15 clinics) and assess intervention impact on (i) up to date evidence-based cancer prevention
care, (ii) patient and clinician assessments of shared decision making related to cancer prevention care, and
(iii) patient self-efficacy in managing their hereditary cancer risks. The project delivers a scalable and adaptive
web-based CDS system that informs patients with specific genetic variants and their PCCs of evolving
standards of care, facilitates timely access to appropriate subspecialty care, and can be extended to guide
delivery of evidence-based care to those with other genetic variants likely to reach Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) Office of Public Health Genomics (OPHG) Tier 1 status in coming years.