Invasive aspergillosis due to Aspergillus fumigatus is a leading infectious cause of death in immunocompromised
patients. The mortality rate is a staggering 40-60%, worsened by emerging resistance to azole antifungals.
Despite this, there is a significant knowledge gap surrounding the effectors governing A. fumigatus antifungal
response and resistance. We established calcineurin (CN) as a critical phosphatase required for A. fumigatus
growth, invasive disease, antifungal response and resistance. However, how CN regulates these processes is
largely undefined. We demonstrated CN-dependent transcriptional control over antifungal response via its
transcription factor, CrzA. Our CN proteomic and phosphoproteomic approaches uncovered several cell wall and
membrane-related proteins as potential CN effectors. We also defined unique changes in the CN proteome in
response to azole and echinocandin antifungals, and detected CN-dependent alterations in cell wall β-glucan
and membrane ergosterol and lipid profiles. We were also the first to crystallize the fungal CN complex, and our
structure-guided inhibitor strategies showed targeting CN is effective in animal models. Our objective is to
leverage our novel genetic, proteomic and lipidomic data to define CN control over antifungal response and
resistance. Our central hypothesis is that CN orchestrates parallel transcriptional and phosphoregulatory control
of key effectors in cell wall and membrane organization, thereby specifically governing antifungal response and
drug resistance. In Aim 1, we will identify key CN effectors for cell wall and membrane integrity and antifungal
response by bimolecular fluorescence complementation and affinity assays. CN effector localization studies in
CN inhibited/deletion backgrounds will confirm CN-dependency in response to antifungals. Molecular modeling
of CN-effector binding and molecular dynamics simulations will guide targeted mutations of predicted CN-binding
motifs in effectors. These integrated approaches will elucidate the unknown role played by CN in antifungal
response through binding and regulation of key effectors in cell wall and membrane synthesis. In Aim 2, we will
interrogate CN transcriptional control of effectors by examining expression in the background of CN and CN-
dependent transcription factor inhibition/deletions, including mutations in promoter CDRE sequences. We will
perform LC-MS/MS of phosphorylation sites in CN effectors in wild-type vs. CN-inhibited strains under antifungal
stress. Phosphomutations in CN effectors will assess the requirement of CN-dependent dephosphorylation at
specific residues for function in cell wall and membrane stress responses. In Aim 3, we will genetically
characterize contributions of prioritized CN effectors to resistance in azole- and echinocandin-resistant strains
using an iterative approach of genetic deletion, targeted mutations, and murine model validation. We will also be
the first to examine the emerging azole-resistant A. calidoustus species genetically and in animal models to fully
define CN effectors’ specific roles in drug response and disease. This study will, for the first time, define the
mechanism of CN control over antifungal response and resistance through cell wall and membrane effectors.