The formation and retention of memories of our daily experiences depend on a brain region called the
hippocampus. Among the extensive neuromodulatory inputs the hippocampus receives, cholinergic inputs
from the basal forebrain are crucial for learning and memory. These same inputs elicit reduced neuronal
response with aging, and degenerate in patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Despite its critical
role in memory formation and stability, how cholinergic modulation mediates memory functions through
individual circuit elements in the hippocampus remains largely unknown. In CA 1, the major output of the
hippocampus, acetylcholine receptors are expressed in multiple cell types and cellular compartments.
Until now, it has been difficult to determine the contribution of individual elements to the overall network
effects of acetylcholine. In this project, we will study the role of muscarinic cholinergic receptors located
on the pyramidal neurons of the CA1 region in the formation and long-term stability of Internally
Generated Sequences (IGS), the sequences generated during locomotion while sensory cues are held
constant and as animals perform memory tasks. We will use IGS as a representative of memory-related
activity patterns to reveal how cholinergic activity modulates the formation of and the long timescale drift
in the hippocampal code and in turn refines the behavior by activating cell-type-specific acetylcholine
receptors. Our experimental approach is to manipulate the strength and locus of cholinergic modulation in
CA1 while imaging large numbers of neurons in awake head-fixed mice engaged in a
hippocampus-dependent memory task. Specifically, we will selectively modulate the CA1 pyramidal
neurons with cell-type specific neuropharmacological tools. Integrating computational modeling with
findings from experiments, we will elucidate possible plasticity and network mechanisms responsible for
the observed neuronal dynamics. By combining experimental and computational approaches to elucidate
the cholinergic control of plasticity over memory formation and stability across the cellular, circuit, and
behavioral levels, we will contribute novel insights into the effects of a disruption in cholinergic signaling.
Our results may indicate which physiological parameters could be altered to compensate for the loss of
cholinergic signals, and lead to the development of new treatment options for memory disorders.