Career Goal: My long-term career goals are to a) secure a full-time tenure track academic appointment; and b)
become an independent investigator in human immunodeficiency virus/sexually transmitted infection (HIV/STI)
risk and prevention research among transgender women (trans women, women assigned male at birth). This
research and training grant will provide me with the opportunity to enhance my research skills as a Postdoctoral
Scholar at the University of Central Florida and to successfully transition to an STI intervention scientist that
addresses prominent health inequalities faced by trans women. Career Development: This K99/R00 research
and training plan will catalyze my efforts to acquire the advanced training necessary to assess the feasibility,
acceptability, and validity of self-collected samples versus clinician collected samples for STI testing and
examine the relationship between combined socio-spatial network characteristics (e.g., social capital, access to
care) and STI risk among trans women. During the K99 phase my training goals consist of a) mixed methods
research, by gaining skills in qualitative research and analysis; b) intervention mapping and c) social and spatial
epidemiology methods, by gaining skills in social network analysis and geographic information systems.
Research Objective: This K99/R00 application proposes to integrate my prior experience in robust quantitative
methods with new knowledge in mixed methods research, intervention mapping and social and spatial
epidemiology methods in order to enhance my independence as a researcher focused on addressing STI health
disparities within a health care setting, which the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
(NIMHD) has identified as a major priority. Specific Aims: Aim 1: Conduct pilot study to explore the acceptability,
feasibility, and validity of self-collected vs. clinician collected genital and non-genital samples among trans
women with and without neovaginas to detect STIs using mixed methodology (quantitative surveys and in-depth
interviews). Aim 2: Examine multi-site (genital, rectal, pharyngeal) STI prevalence among trans women with and
without neovaginas. Aim 3: Characterize the relationship between social and spatial network characteristics (e.g.,
network size, social support, neighborhood characteristics) and STI risk among trans women with and without
neovaginas. Mentorship team: My efforts will be guided by an accomplished, interdisciplinary team of mentors
(with prior experience working together) committed to support my transition to an independent investigator.