Applicant: Richland Medical Center Inc. dba Central Ozarks Medical Center
Address: 304 W. Washington Ave, Richland, MO 65556
Grant Number: H80CS00132
Project Director: DawnElyn Schneider
Project Description: Central Ozarks Medical Center (COMC) is requesting $1,000,000 in total for 2 years to support the work of the COMC Transitions in Care for Justice-Involved Populations project. The project will focus on strengthening transitions in care for individuals who will soon be released from incarceration to community-based, high-quality primary care services including services that address critical health and health-related social needs. COMC is a federally qualified health center and serves a rural population area.
Populations to be Served: Individuals who will soon be released from incarceration at the Pulaski County Jail and will reside in Camden, Laclede, Miller, Morgan, or Pulaski counties in Central Missouri. This will include individuals (age 18 or older) who are living in a carceral setting and are scheduled or expected to be released from incarceration in 90 days or less. The service area is rural and includes 3,157.99 square miles, an estimated population of 179,037, and a population density of 56 persons per square mile. Predominantly white (87.84%) and non-Hispanic (94.62%). Residents are likely to have higher health disparities due to lower median income, higher unemployment, higher poverty rates, lower rates of health insurance coverage, and higher rates of disabilities. The limited health care resources in the area are even more challenging to obtain for those who are or have been involved with the justice system, especially if they are also coping with mental illness or substance use disorder(s).
Needs to Be Addressed: The already limited health care resources in the service area are difficult to obtain and even more challenging to obtain for those involved with the justice system. This is particularly true for those coping with mental illness or substance use disorder(s). Four counties in the COMC service area are overseen by the 26th Circuit Court (Camden, Laclede, Miller, and Morgan) while Pulaski County is overseen by the 25th Circuit Court. In 2022, the 25th and 26th Circuit Courts had 4,821 filed selected drug and alcohol charges and 2,138 guilty pleas for selected drug and alcohol charges. In 2023, there were 22 individuals admitted to Adult Treatment, Veterans & DWI Court and 28 exited. Homelessness, mental illness, substance misuse, and incarceration are closely linked. In Missouri state fiscal year 2022, approximately 2,022 individuals in the five-county region received clinical services from the Division of Behavioral Health psychiatric program. The majority of diagnoses were related to depression, anxiety and fear disorders, and trauma and stress-related disorders. Co-occurring indicators reflect that 47.3% of those receiving treatment also had a substance use disorder, and 7.4% had a co-occurring developmental disability. Data is not available at the local level to track the number of justice involved individuals with co-occurring mental illness and/or substance misuse disorders. All counties in the service area have HPSA designations for primary, dental, and mental health.
Proposed Services: Pre-release planning, community health workers, PRAPARE, mediation, MAT, peer support services, care coordination, health evaluations, screening, primary health services, immunizations, behavioral health, screenings for social determinants of health, and recommendations/referrals for both health and social health-related needs.