Project Title: LifeSpring Health Systems FY24 QIF-TJI Contact Phone Number: Elizabeth Stafford Contact Email Address: Health Center Program Grant Number: H80CS28353 Website: Address: 460 Spring St City & State: Jeffersonville, IN 47130 LifeSpring is the premier provider of mental health and primary care services in southern Indiana, providing a comprehensive array of services that focus on education, prevention, information, assessment, intervention and treatment. LifeSpring continues to promise to serve all patients, offer discounted fees and serve all patients by not denying services to a patient based on race, sex, disability, religion or other factors. LifeSpring serves a large population, with access to over 144,000 residents through this funding opportunity. LifeSpring serves a large rural population with specific disparities in social determinants of health, mental health, and primary health that impact the rural population greatly. LifeSpring behavioral health programming includes 1:1 counseling, school-based mental health services, inpatient/outpatient recovery programs, crisis services, and services for individuals with SMI, SUD, and COD. LifeSpring also maintains active partnerships with Floyd County and Clark County jails, where they provide mental health and substance use treatment services to individuals at each facility. Through HRSA FY24 QIF-TJI funding, LifeSpring will expand current programing in each facility to include case management and primary healthcare to foster transitions in care from facility- to community-based providers. In addition to providing its current pre-release SUD and mental health programming, through this program LifeSpring will address post-release Critical Health Needs, including managing chronic conditions, reducing risk of overdose, and the prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment of HCV, HIV, and other
infectious diseases. LifeSpring will also facilitate case management services and collaborate with community partners to address Health Related Social Needs, including housing insecurity, food insecurity, financial strain, lack of transportation, intimate partner violence, and other needs as identified. To adequately address individual needs, LifeSpring will partner with Clark County Community Corrections and Floyd County Sherriff’s Department (operating Floyd County Jail) to coordinate transitions in care to community-based providers as individuals prepare for reentry. LifeSpring will also partner with community-based providers [THRIVE and the Floyd County Library] to meet individuals’ health-related social needs. Other program activities will include the provision of: - Health evaluation(s), to identify acute and chronic physical health, behavioral health, or oral health issues and associated needs. - Primary health services including diagnosis, treatment, and medication management. Immunizations. - Behavioral health services, including MAT/MOUD and peer recovery support. - Preventive dental services - Case management services connecting J-IR individuals with federal, state and local benefits programs to address critical health and health-related needs. Through HRSA QIF-TJI funding, LifeSpring will increase the number of JI-R individuals who: - Receive wraparound support from community organizations post-incarceration. - Receive in-scope health center services post-incarceration. - Are enrolled in eligible local, state, and federal benefits programs post-incarceration.