Sexual violence is a global epidemic, and Louisiana is no exception. Louisiana’s Rape Prevention Education (RPE) program is a collaborative, comprehensive approach to sexual violence prevention. The recipient agency is the Louisiana Department of Health - Office of Public Health - Bureau of Family Health (OPH/BFH.) This state agency works in close partnership with subrecipients, including the federally-mandated, state-designated sexual assault coalition, the Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault (LaFASA,) accredited and RPE-funded sexual assault centers throughout the state, and other state agencies, nonprofit organizations, and schools (K-12 and higher education) working to end sexual violence. Strategies to be implemented in 2024-2029 build on efforts to promote multisector approaches to address the root causes of sexual violence through building knowledge and skills, addressing oppression - including economic inequality, changing policies and environments to promote safety, and promoting positive social norms. This will be accomplished through training and technical assistance for funded agencies and other partners, partnership development and collaboration for wider impact, and the implementation of evidence-informed strategies in communities across the state.