Nebraska Public Health Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement
Project Abstract-updated 1/30/2024
The Nebraska Division of Public Health (NE DPH) will work with local public health emergency preparedness systems to address and respond to all hazard events that result in a public health threat or emergency. This work will involve coordination and collaboration between local public health departments, regional partners, tribes, and state and federal partners in order to respond to a public health emergency. NE DPH will collect information and document progress toward the six domains and the fifteen PHEP capabilities.
The primary objective of the project is to achieve the following key outcomes:
1) Earliest possible activation and management of emergency operations.
2) Earliest possible identification and investigation of an incident/index case (if applicable).
3) Timely implementation of intervention and control measures (as applicable to the crisis).
4) Timely communication of risk and essential elements of information (EEI) between response partners.
5) Timely coordination and support of response activities with response partners.
6) Assurance that Nebraska's public health system is prepared to respond to and recover from a public health event or emergency.
7) A collaborative response that is inclusive and effective with both state and local preparedness and response partners.
In order to meet these key outcomes, NE DPH will use a collaborative method through subawards with response partners to address community response and recovery. As a state, we are committed to addressing the access and functional needs of at-risk and unique populations.