The Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response (DEPR) within the Bureau of Emergency Preparedness, EMS, and Systems of Care (BEPESoC) in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) maintains responsibilities for the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) and Healthcare Preparedness Programs (HPP).
Michigan is a home ruled state and therefore DEPR establishes annual contracts with 45 local health departments (LHDs), 12 federally recognized tribes, and 8 medical control authorities (MCA) who serve as the fiduciary for the healthcare coalitions (HCC) and their healthcare organizations. Collaborative planning to identify program deliverables occur through an established state and local public health team, the Michigan Association of Local Public Health (MALPH), quarterly meetings with the tribal health directors and HCC leadership.
This application provides clear expectations and priorities to strengthen and enhance the readiness of local and state public health and healthcare to save lives during emergencies that exceed day to day capacity and capabilities during a highly pathogenic avian influenza pandemic. It outlines strategies and activities based on the HPP-PHEP Logic Model, detailing activities to be conducted in response to this outbreak. Each of the six domains: Incident Management, Jurisdictional Recovery, Biosurveillance, Information Management, Countermeasures and Mitigation, and Surge Management, have identified activities and their resultant outputs to improve planning and response coordination and leverage available resources across the core partnerships of healthcare, public health, emergency management and EMS.
Activities will strengthen human resources needed for response by hiring temporary subject matter experts to mitigate anticipated requests during a pandemic. Utilization of various types of crisis and risk communication strategies including media campaigns targeted to broadly communicate prevention and response strategies to healthcare providers as well as Michigan citizens. Augmentation of current electronic disease reporting and incident response communication platforms will increase efficiency and productivity. Focus on the efficient delivery of medical countermeasures to mitigate gaps of a potential long-term response at the local and state level. Continue critical communications and support to sentinel laboratories through guidelines, resources, and technical support.
Michigan is prepared to accept rapid funding by CDC for HHS Secretarial declared and non-declared public health emergencies once approved.