Cooperative Agreement for Emergency Response: Public Health Crisis Response CDC-RFA-TP22-2201
Application Due Date: 09/30/2023
Project Abstract
PURPOSE: Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), CDC seeks to enhance the nation’s ability to rapidly mobilize, surge, and respond to public health emergencies. This NOFO is intended to establish a roster of public health departments that would be pre-identified and pre approved for rapid funding by CDC for public health emergencies of such magnitude, complexity, or significance that it would have an overwhelming impact upon, and exceed resources available to, the jurisdiction. This NOFO will establish an Approved-But-Unfunded (ABU) list of grantees. This ABU list would be utilized by CDC for such emergencies that require federal support to effectively respond to, manage, and address the identified public health threat.
ACTIVITIES: Funds will be used to support MDH response to a public health emergency. For this grant application, CDC has requested a scenario based on an emerging infectious disease to have been used. Activities included in this grant application include set up, administration, and demobilization of a(n):
● Incident Management Structure and Operations Center
● Call Center/database for Active Monitoring
● Biosurveillance
● Risk communication/education (incl. an awareness campaign)
● Operational communications with partners
● Traditional/social media enhanced monitoring
● Mass vaccination
● Responder safety and health training/equipment (e.g. personal protective equipment)
● Public Health surge management
FUNDING: This NOFO’s purpose is to create a list of pre-approved state health departments, any funding tied to this NOFO will only be made available once CDC has determined a public health emergency exists or is considered imminent. Thus, there is no funding available at the time of this announcement. Funding will be contingent upon the availability of appropriations and is at CDC’s sole discretion. CDC will provide additional guidance and information to those on the ABU list as to when this NOFO will be implemented. In addition, while this NOFO may be utilized in conjunction with or without a Secretarial declared emergency, a declaration may not trigger the activation of this NOFO.
For the purposes of this grant application, MDH- OP&R is submitting a proposed budget of $5,000,000 for 12 months starting October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024.