Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s (DHWs) mission is to promote and protect the health and
safety of Idahoans. Under that mission, DHW supports a decentralized local public health system
composed of seven (7) Public Health Districts (PHDs) spanning the state’s 44 counties. These eight
agencies employ different but complementary roles in the planning, funding, delivery, and evaluation of
public health services in Idaho. Health related responsibilities within DHW are assigned to the nationally
accredited Division of Public Health (DPH). The Idaho Office of Emergency Management designated
DHW as the coordinating agency to lead public health and medical services activities under Emergency
Support Function 8 (ESF-8).
In the event of an emerging infectious disease outbreak, DHW’s Public Health Preparedness and
Response Section (PHPR) will collaborate with public health, Emergency Medical Services, (EMS), and
healthcare system partners to effectively and efficiently respond to and support a public health
emergency. Emergency response plans are in place and address how to rapidly mobilize, surge, and
respond effectively to reduce morbidity and mortality. PHPR and the PHDs have agreements for use of
facilities for Receiving, Staging, Storing ( RSS), District Distribution Centers (DDCs), and Points of
Dispensing (POD) locations including primary and back-up sites. DHW and the PHDs also have
Memoranums of Understanding (MOUs) for transportation, pharmacy, security, cold storage, and
regional resources, etc. DHW and the PHDs will continue to secure additional MOUs and update existing
MOUs as needed.
The Public Health Crisis Response funding will support and enhance state and local public health
infrastructure that is critical to response efforts across six domains: incident management, jurisdictional
recovery, biosurveillance, countermeasures and mitigation, and surge management. The grant
application has been developed to show activities DHW will implement in order to ensure rapid
mobilization and response to an emergency infectious disease with the understanding that crisis
response funding may be released for a number of response scenarios creating a public health
emergency of such magnitude and complexity that it exceeds available resources within the state of
The crisis response funds will ensure Idaho is able to accomplish timely:
- Activation and management of the DHW Emergency Operations Center (DHW EOC);
- Identification and investigation of an index case or an incident that will exceed resources quickly
- Implementation of crisis intervention and control measures;
- Coordination and support of public health and healthcare system response activities; and
- Risk communication messaging disseminated to the general public to empower them to make
informed decisions about their health.