Funds for the Cooperative Agreement for Emergency Response: Public Health Crisis Response are intended to support Puerto Rico Department of Health’s efforts to rapidly mobilize and respond to public health emergencies, specifically supporting surge needs of existing programs responding to a significant public health emergency, as well as the delivery of crucial and immediate health care services aimed towards complementing the comprehensive public health response in addressing and mitigating the detrimental short- and long-term effects of a disease.
All strategies and outcomes contemplated in this application are aligned within the six critical strategies contemplated within the logic model:
1. Strengthen Incident Management for Early Crisis Response
2. Strengthen Jurisdictional Recovery
3. Strengthen Bio surveillance
4. Strengthen Information Sharing
5. Strengthen Countermeasures and Mitigation
6. Strengthen Surge Management
In the event of an emerging infectious disease outbreak that represents a threat to the public health of the People of Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rico Department of Health, through the Cooperative Agreement for Emergency Response will initiate efforts pertaining to incident command capability and early crisis response activities.
Upon the declaration of a State of Emergency issued by the Governor of Puerto Rico through an Executive Order, and in compliance with the state’s responsibility of safeguarding the health of the people on the Island, the Puerto Rico Department of Health (PRDOH)’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and State EOC will be activated. In coordination with the CDC, the PRDOH will collaborate in expanded epidemiologic and laboratory capacity as well as guidance, and the implementation of additional surveillance systems, development of concept of operations plans and execution of surge emergency response plans.
Close communication with the Puerto Rico Emergency Management Agency (PREMA) and the CDC’s EOC will be maintained during the operational period. The following operational groups will be actively engaged on emerging infectious disease outbreak emergency preparedness and response related activities: Epidemiology and Surveillance, Laboratory, Environmental Health and Community Outreach.
Subsequently, the Multiagency Coordination Center (MAC) will be activated, allowing PRDOH and CDC personnel to continue managing emerging infectious disease outbreak response operations, as previously established from PRDOH EOC. This operational structure will set the stage for health professionals from state and federal government agencies to work together as part of comprehensive response efforts underway.