Delaware intends to use this rapid funding opportunity to enhance the state’s ability to rapidly mobilize, surge, and respond to future public health emergencies (PHEs)
Delaware is a small state with a population of over 950,000 including the population of Dover Air Force Base. The Division of Public Health (DPH), a national board accredited health department, is centrally located within state government and exist within the Department of Health and Social Services. There are no local health departments within Delaware.
Delaware has a centralized public health structure with no local health departments. The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH), nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, operates as a Division under the Department of Health and Social Services. DPH Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness Section (EMSPS) Office of Preparedness manages the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement and both the current Covid-19 Response Grant and Public Health Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement. The State Health Operations Center has been activated for the past 24 months overseeing the response to ongoing COVID-19 response activities.
Delaware intends to use this rapid funding opportunity to enhance the state’s ability to rapidly mobilize, surge, and respond to future public health emergencies (PHEs)
• Prioritized public health services and resources sustained throughout all phases of emergencies and incidents.
• Earliest possible activation and management of emergency operations
• Timely communication of risk and essential elements of information
• Timely implantation of intervention and control measures
• Timely coordination of support of response activities with partners
• Earliest possible identification of investigation of an incident
• Continuous learning and improvements contain real time feedback loop