The Alabama Department of Public Health(ADPH) serves the citizens of Alabama by establishing and maintaining health services programs, thus assuring conditions to preserve the health and well-being of the public. The activities proposed for this project are to respond quickly to emergencies that exceed capacity and for which funding has become available. ADPH's Center for Emergency Preparedness (CEP) is responsible for coordination within ADPH and collaboration with external partners to ensure the best healthcare response before, during, and after disasters/events.
CEP manages both the Hospital Preparedness Program and Public Health Preparedness Program grants and other funding resources to ensure a seamless, coordinated effort in responding to disasters/events. Simultaneously managing these resources allows for the maximum benefit to the citizens of Alabama while meeting the specific requirements of each awarded grant.
During this grant period, ADPH intends to utilize the Public Health Crisis Response funds to provide crisis-specific resources needed throughout the response. ADPH will work closely with all stakeholders to achieve these objectives within this funding cycle. ADPH will maintain continuous contact via telephone, e-mail, and in-person visits to ensure sufficient progress is made toward completing each activity.