DPH, through coordination with local, state and federal partners, will strengthen and enhance the strategies and activities as described in the Crisis Response Logic Model and achieve the expected outcomes and outputs to ensure rapid mobilization and response to public health emergencies. This will strengthen Kentucky’s ability to address the ever-present health and medical threats that may impact Kentucky in the event of a public health emergency. Through these efforts, Kentucky’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Program will improve and enhance our response and recovery capabilities.
Throughout the project period, DPH will coordinate with Kentucky’s 61 LHDs, eight Regional Healthcare Coalitions (HCC), 120 county emergency management agencies, and other local, state, and federal ESF 8 partnering agencies to implement preparedness activities to ensure the following outcomes can be achieved during the response and recovery phases of any public health emergency. Outcomes will be achieved from domain activities and outputs included in the proposed work plans that incorporate the strategies identified in the Crisis Response Logic Model.
• Promptly activate the State Health Operations Center (SHOC) and coordinate emergency public health and medical services throughout the state;
• Increase the capability to quickly identify and investigate emerging infectious disease threats that could impact the general population, vulnerable populations and the healthcare community;
• Expedite implementation of intervention and control measures at the earliest possible moment;
• Rapidly share situational awareness, risk information and essential elements of information (EEI) with partnering agencies and the general public;
• Provide timely coordination and support for response and recovery activities in coordination with ESF 8 partnering agencies.