Project Abstract Fort Worth ISD – Component 1, CDC-RFA-DP-24-0139
Fort Worth Independent School District (Fort Worth ISD) students face a myriad of adolescent physical and mental health issues, magnified by disparities between ethnic groups. Central areas of need identified in the 2021 YRBS were physical health and healthy lifestyles. Of particular concern are the academic achievement and health disparities between students of color and white students within the district.
Fort Worth ISD will address these issues through focused action using the “What Works In School” approach in the following areas: continued improvement in the delivery of health education, new avenues for increased access for youth to health services and testing, and engagement with educators, parents, and students to promote safe and supportive environments in the schools.
Examples of selected key outcomes include:
-Professional Development: 100% of teachers will demonstrate awareness of health services available for students and staff. 75% of teachers will demonstrate knowledge and skills for creating safe and supportive school environments during observations.
-Health Education: Improve K-5 health education by increasing the number of campuses requiring integration of health education in the classroom. Increase student health-related knowledge, skills, and behaviors as shown by pre- post- tests and journals reflecting increases, and 70% of students passing health courses.
-Service Assessment, Partnerships, and Access: Distribution and training in the use of updated health services resource guide to 100% of students enrolled in high school health classes, health teachers and other campus mental and physical health service providers.
-Safe and Supportive Environments for Students and Staff: 80% of campuses provide safe and supportive school environment activities and education such as GSA groups. 100% of staff receive information on the district Employee Assistance Program (EAP) as well as wellness efforts initiated through the district-wide Local Wellness Program. 75% of student journaling will indicate positive perception of school environment and feeling connected to school.
-Family, school, and community engagement: Increase opportunities for student leadership in district and school decision-making with SHAC including a minimum of 4 students. Student-led GSAs will increase to 50% of middle and high schools.
-School-based surveillance will include 100% campus participation in School Health Profiles, as well as use of all evaluation results from the What Works in Schools initiative (including Profiles analysis, pre-post tests, journaling, focus groups, and data analysis from observations and interviews) to increase district understanding of short-term trends in youth risk behaviors and experiences, to result in implementation of improved school health policies and practices.