The Illinois State Board of Education, as the state agency with jurisdiction over all public schools in Illinois, is applying for funding with which to conduct the School Health Profiles (Profiles) survey and the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) in sampled high schools in the state.
The short-term goals of this data collection are to increase understanding of youth risk behaviors and examine the school health policies and practices of education and public health agencies. Dissemination of the survey results to not only schools and state and local public health agencies, but also to the public, students, legislators, and policy decision-makers, will allow stakeholders in the health of our youth to establish laws, policies, and practices and appropriate funding that will improve the health of our students and communities over the long term. ISBE has conducted both the Profiles survey and YRBS for at least 20 years and has had success in obtaining weighted data for both the Profiles survey and YRBS for each survey cycles.
ISBE is applying for $100,000 per year for this funding cycle to allow for the administration of the Profiles survey and YRBS to high school students. Furthermore, ISBE is requesting the additional $12,500 to expand the survey to include the Tier II ACES questions for a total of $112,500 for each year of the funding cycle. This funding will allow ISBE to continue to manage the project with both internal staff and an established contracted vendor with experience in student surveys and data collection.