Abstract CDC 22-2203
The New Orleans based NO/AIDS Task Force d.b.a. CrescentCare is applying under FOA PS 22-2203 Category A, to address HIV in New Orleans, Louisiana, targeting Young Black Men who have Sex with Men (YBMSM) between the ages of 13-34 and their partners. The agency is proposing to continue the program currently funded under CDC PS 17-1704. The interventions will be a continuation of targeted HIV testing and linkage-to-care and other essential social and support services for both HIV+ and HIV- clients. Over the 5-year cooperative agreement period, over 7,750 YBMSM individuals will be reached with project activities. The project will impact the YBMSM priority population as follows: increase the number of HIV tests, increase HIV diagnoses for those who are unaware of their HIV status, increase access to prevention and essential support services, increase access to condoms, increase screenings, referrals, and linkage to PrEP and HIV treatment services, increase linkage to care for newly diagnosed YBMSM within 30 days, with an agency goal of within 72 hours or less and increase re-engagement for those previously diagnosed and not in care for at least 30 days, increase access to Partner Services for those with newly diagnosed HIV or qualifying STI, increase access to appropriate medication adherence services, and increase access to safe spaces. These short-term outcomes will lead to long term goals of reducing HIV transmission and acquisition in New Orleans YBMSM communities. There will also be an increase in the number of persons who are HIV positive achieving viral suppression, those who are HIV negative participating in nPEP and PrEP programs, accessing STI testing and treatment, and an increase the number of individuals who are using condoms consistently and correctly. Clients will be linked to HIV specialty care, primary medical care, HCV care, STI testing and treatment, peer navigation, behavioral health, and other social services. Following the goals and objectives of t
he HIV National Strategic Plan, 2021-2025 and the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategic Plan 2017-2020, as well as the EHE, the PS22-2203 project will continue to embed high impact HIV prevention services into locations and at times most accessible for YBMSM in New Orleans and to address health disparities and social determinants of health as it is currently doing under PS-17-1704. A safe space will continue as a location for multiple services: HIV testing and linkage to care, comprehensive STI testing and navigation to other essential services such as nPEP, PrEP, and housing from other funding. The project will also focus on venues such as YBMSM bars to provide outreach, HIV/STD testing, condom distribution and other services. The longer term goal of the project is to reduce HIV transmission and acquisition within the New Orleans YBMSM community. A total of $375,726 per year is requested.