Large in both geography and population, California (CA) is home to over 39 million residents representing a wide variety of cultural
and ethnic groups. This diversity is punctuated by the disproportionate impacts of historical systems that lead to inactivity, obesity,
and chronic disease faced by communities of color and those experiencing lower socio-economic status. CA is a national leader in
adopting state level policies that are supportive of nutrition and physical activity (PA) environments and turning them into sustainable
state programs through state budget investments. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) State Physical Activity and
Nutrition (Cal SPAN) program can promote an equitable expansion of policies and programs into communities that experience the
greatest health disparities and/or have historically been underserved by these programs. Cal SPAN will work with partners to
increase connectivity across sectors, support pilot projects that test implementation approaches, bring training and technical
assistance (TA) to local jurisdictions, and communicate best practices for policy implementation.
The Cal SPAN team will build on experience with the current CDC SPAN grant (2018-2023) and past CDC 1305 efforts in nutrition,
PA, breastfeeding (BF), and early care and education (ECE), to fulfill the deliverables of this grant and to address health burdens
affecting CA residents.
The Cal SPAN team will work with cross-sector partners/coalitions to:
• Identify and assess existing state level nutrition policies, and to develop or revise food service guidelines to align with the federal
food service guidelines and procurement strategies in two settings: university campuses and parks and recreation sites that provide
out of school and summer programs;
• Increase participation in fruit and vegetable voucher incentive programs in sites with newly awarded state funding;
• Promote the produce prescription Community Support reimbursement option for MediCal managed care plans as a part of
California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal;
• Facilitate the implementation of state level policies and activities that connect pedestrian, bicycle, or transit transportation
networks to everyday destinations;
• Increase access to PA through TA for local jurisdictions to support the development/update and adoption of applicable local plans
and policies, and the successful implementation of existing plans and policies through grant application assistance for relevant state
program funding;
• Implement policies and activities that achieve continuity of care for breastfeeding families and expand on efforts begun under
current and past CDC funded projects, including the provision of training, TA, and resources; and
• Identify and provide professional development and TA opportunities for child care licensees and Child and Adult Care Food
Program operators, focused on national nutrition, PA and BF standards consistent with Caring for Our Children, as well as Farm to
While working to increase the number and types of places where Californians can live, learn, work, eat, and play healthfully, the Cal
SPAN team will facilitate opportunities to support and engage communities, convene partners, communicate successes, participate in
peer sharing, and leverage resources. The Cal SPAN team will continue to use CDC data, health promotion programs, tools, and
resources to activate partners, develop activities using evidence-based interventions, and adopt and implement statewide and local
policies to achieve increased equitable supports for healthy nutrition, access to safe PA, BF, and ECE in the CA communities most in
need. Finally, the Cal SPAN team will share results of formative work and evaluations to build the evidence base for efforts in
nutrition, PA, and BF supports.