The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH), located at 2 Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30303, seeks funding under Component A of CDC-RFA-DP-23-0004, to continue operation and expansion of a comprehensive and coordinated approach to inform policy, systems, and environmental change to prevent and control cardiovascular disease and increase equitable health outcomes by focusing on priority populations across the State of Georgia.
Based on burden of diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases, Georgia DPH has identified priority populations for the approach described in this application. The priority public health districts include South Central Health District, North Central Health District, West Central Health District, South Health District, Southwest Health District, Southeast Health District and Northwest Health District. In these areas, DPH will prioritize individuals with uncontrolled high blood pressure and high cholesterol in the following populations: rural communities, low-income, African Americans, Hispanic ethnicities, as well as pregnant and postpartum women with hypertension.
Through this cooperative agreement, the Georgia Department of Public Health’s (DPH) Chronic Disease Prevention Section (CDPS) will work with its broad structure of public, private and community partners to implement and evaluate evidence-based strategies to prevent and manage CVD in high-burden populations/communities within the state. CDPS will form a Health Equity Learning Collaborative to serve as a structured environment for statewide partners to work deliberately on systems change and the advancement of health equity.