Through the WSCC grant, the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) will collaborate with partners to convene a statewide school health coalition, facilitate statewide professional development and technical assistance on a variety of WSCC related areas and implement the WSCC framework with Erie City School District (ECSD). In collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, DOH will build upon an existing health and physical education stakeholder group to develop a coalition with statewide representation from all WSCC areas. The coalition will guide professional development, technical assistance and resources to be offered statewide through existing events with intermediate units and Society for Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE PA). Trainings will be offered statewide and open to all 500 school districts,but financial assistance, technical assistance and resources will be targeted to districts located in areas experiencing high poverty and disproportionately affected by chronic diseases and attributable risk factors. DOH has commitment from ECSD to partner on implementation of the goals of the WSCC grant. DOH will provide training and technical assistance, along with funding to support a district wellness coordinator to improve healthy eating, physical activity, and chronic disease management among students in ECSD.