CDC-RFA-DP22-2206 Component A
SPTHB – OKTEC Abstract
The Southern Plains Tribal Health Board (SPTHB) aims to build public health capacity and infrastructure within our service area more specifically in the Indian Health Service-Oklahoma City Area (IHS-OCA) and the Oklahoma Area Tribes (OAT) for disease surveillance, epidemiology, prevention and control of disease, injury, or disability, and program monitoring and evaluation, to assure intended outcomes are reached. The Oklahoma Tribal Epidemiology Center (OKTEC) will offer the highest quality services to the Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and Urban Indian Organizations within the Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas area. We have identified four projects that are designed to strengthen public health capacity and infrastructure including: 1) Build infrastructure through hiring and maintaining staff, 2) Build Infrastructure within the TEC for the IHS-OCA service area. 3) Build Infrastructure within the IHS-OCA and OAT service area by developing and sustaining trainings for TTU staff; and 4) Improve data quality and data systems for AI/AN populations. Additionally, we have one large assessment project that is designed to assess the capacity and performance of the OAT’s public health systems to meet the national public health accreditation standards and deliver essential public health functions. This will be accomplished by developing a Tribal Public Health Advisory Committee from supported partnerships from Cherokee Nation, Choctaw Nation, Muscogee Creek Nation, and Chickasaw Nation to define the collaboration’s purpose, structure, gaps, and expectations. OKTEC will continue to engage in activities that will develop and sustain partnerships with tribal nations, non-tribal entities (such as state, county, federal, universities, and non-profits), and through trainings and workshop according to identified need and common technical assistance requests for IHS-OCA area partners. We will continue to enhance our grant opportunity list serve to IHS-OCA partners.