SC DOH's Overall Program Abstract:
The South Carolina Cancer Prevention and Control Programs support the national implementation of a comprehensive and coordinated approach to inform policy, systems, and environmental change strategies to prevent and control cancer, provide high quality breast and cervical cancer screening services and work with statewide cancer coalitions to plan and implement cancer control priorities, and surveillance programs to monitor and report cancer burden. Building on the work of programs previously funded under DP1701 which supported the coordination and integration of SC DHEC’s long-standing cancer activities to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality, this application supports the achievement of the following cancer prevention and control goals: increase early identification of cancer, reduce late-stage diagnosis, close the gap on cancer disparities, reduce cancer incidence and mortality, and eliminate preventable cancers. Additionally, SC DHEC’s cancer programs ensure all people get the right screening at the right time for the best outcome, and support cancer survivors in a manner which allows them to live longer, healthier lives. SC CCCP, SC NBCCEDP and SCCCR collaborate and coordinate approaches that leverage cross-cutting priorities to implement cancer prevention and control activities to reduce the burden of cancer in South Carolina and extends to implementation of work that will be completed by contracted partnerships shared between the internal programs. SCCCR will continue to enhance and implement strategies to collect timely, complete, and accurate cancer incidence data on all reportable incident cancer cases and work with SC CCCP and SC NBCCEDP programs and other partners to promote increased utilization of SCCCR data in new and innovative ways to address the cancer burden, cancer disparities, and to improve cancer outcomes and health equity. The SC CCCP and SC NBCCCEDP will monitor and analyze SCCCR data, other surveillance data, and other pertinent data source
s to prioritize, plan, and implement evidence-based strategies guided by health disparities, social determinants of health, and disproportionately disadvantaged individuals and communities. New partnerships and collaborations will be targeted, and existing ones enhanced for increased implementation of strategic and innovative ways to address cancer incidence, mortality, and disparities, especially in areas and among populations and communities with the highest rates. These internal and external partnerships will enhance SC DHEC’s efforts to: (1) administer cancer risk reduction and primary prevention procedures, (2) expand early detection and treatment practices, (3) improve health equity, (4) promote a quality of life for cancer patients, their families and caretakers, and those in remission, and (5) develop and execute sustainable policy and systems changes.