The Montana TB Program administers and manages the statewide tuberculosis prevention and control program. The Montana Public Health Laboratory is a vital part of the program, providing critical TB diagnostics and consultation to public health and health-care facilities and partners. The Montana TB Program has a long history of collaboration with local health jurisdictions, who are responsible by law to control and prevent communicable disease in Montana. The Montana TB Program has an active oversight and consultation/education role in ensuring that local jurisdictions are successful. In addition, the State of Montana has authority to write and enforce communicable disease policy through State Administrative Rules, The priorities of the Montana TB Program are to ensure that TB cases are found and treated until cured, ensure that contact investigations are conducted to identify persons who have become infected and treated, and to find, test, and treat high-risk persons who would benefit from treatment of latent TB infection, Local health departments accomplish these priorities as part of core public health activities.
Montana has and will continue to collaborate with both CDC program and organizations external to CDC to achieve the stated strategies and outcomes, Montana has a long-standing, cooperative relationship with several divisions and programs within CDC, with state and local public health and health-care entities, and with state-level programs, including HIV/AIDS, STD, and Hepatitis. Montana works extensively with local public health jurisdictions, including tribal and Indian Health Service health departments who represent and/or collaborate with local groups and entities serving high-risk groups. Montana will continue to prioritize persons or groups at high-risk for TB who will benefit from the program.
With continued funding and through effective collaborations with national, state, and local partners, the Montana TB Program has the capacity to achieve the priorities and outcomes that will lead to continued prevention and elimination of TB.