Project Abstract Summary
The Idaho Division of Public Health’s Tuberculosis Program’s purpose is to identify all people with active TB in the state; ensure adequate treatment of all people with active TB in Idaho; coordinate response to TB cases in Idaho by partnering with local public health district investigators; perform and facilitate laboratory testing; provide and facilitate clinical consultation on all active TB cases; enhance screening for TB among high-risk populations; increase the availability of treatment for those identified as infected with TB; and ensure that education and training resources are available to local public health district TB programs. The main funding sources for these activities in the last few decades has been Idaho state general funds and the CDC Tuberculosis Elimination and Laboratory Cooperative Agreement. State general funds support some laboratory activities and the purchase of TB medication for patients with either active or latent TB who are unable to pay. Federal funds are used to supplement the local public health district investigations, increase the capacity of the state public health laboratory, provide reimbursement for expenses related to training and travel for TB program staff, and support part of the salary of the state TB program manager.
Local public health district TB programs provide TB case management including provision of directly observed therapy; monitoring for adherence, drug tolerance and clinical improvement; collection of samples for laboratory testing; and reporting to the Division of Public Health and CDC.
Outcomes for Idaho include decreased incidence of active TB overall and among high-risk populations; increased treatment completion for those with active TB; decreased mortality from TB; increased screening for TB infection among those at high risk; increased treatment completion among those identified with latent TB infection; and fewer contacts of TB who progress from infection to disease.
The Idaho TB Program is committed to progressing toward the national targets set forth in the National TB Indicators Project. In addition, the Idaho TB program is committed to identifying, screening, testing, and treating those individuals at high risk for latent TB infection.
The Idaho TB Program is applying for funding under the Tuberculosis Elimination and Laboratory Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-PS-25-0003 to assist with addressing the strategies and implementing the activities identified in this application. Funding for Prevention and Control (P&C), Human Resource Development, and Laboratory Strengthening will allow for continued and new activities that are measured by evaluation of progress toward short-term and intermediate outcomes outlined in the funding announcement. Progress toward these short-term and intermediate outcomes will lead to a decreased TB incidence overall and among those populations at higher risk and those disproportionately affected by TB disease and TB infection.