Project Abstract Summary
The Delaware Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination and Control Branch (DTECB) provides programmatic oversight, facilitates clinical consultations, education and training resources to TB clinics throughout Delaware. The DTECB utilizes federal funding to be allocated to personnel, supplies, educational materials, patient support services, community outreach and program activities. A detailed timeline outlines key milestones, implement advanced screening methods, outreach and education to reach underserved communities, periodic evaluations to facilitate program activities to all three (3) counties in Delaware through contractual arrangements. The TB program provides TB services (screening, testing, treatment, and case management, etc.) to residents and visitors of all 3 counties in Delaware. The mission of the DTECB is to eliminate TB in Delaware. Eliminating tuberculosis (TB) in Delaware relies on implementing three key strategies for controlling and preventing TB, as outlined by the Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (ACET). These strategies are: (1) identifying and thoroughly treating individuals with active TB disease; (2) locating and screening individuals who have been in contact with TB cases to assess for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection or active TB and providing necessary treatment; and (3) targeting high-risk populations to detect TB infection (TBI) and administer appropriate therapy to prevent the progression to active TB
The Delaware Tuberculosis Elimination and Control Branch (DTECB) is dedicated to advancing towards the national targets established by the National TB Indicators Project. We are focused on developing evaluation strategies to address any unmet indicators. Additionally, the DTECB is committed to identifying, screening, testing, and treating individuals at high risk for exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, those who are at increased risk of progressing to active TB disease, and populations that face health disparities and are disproportionately affected by TB disease and TB infection (TBI).
The Tuberculosis Program (DTECB) is applying for funding through the Tuberculosis Elimination and Laboratory Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-PS-25-0003 to support the strategies and activities detailed in this application. Funding for Prevention and Control (P&C) and Laboratory Strengthening will facilitate both ongoing and new initiatives, which will be assessed based on progress towards the short-term and intermediate outcomes specified in the funding announcement. Achieving these outcomes is expected to contribute to a reduction in overall TB incidence, particularly among high-risk populations and those disproportionately affected by TB disease and TB infection.