The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) proposes to strengthen public health epidemiology, laboratory, and health information systems capacity by implementing measures to ensure staff is well trained and well equipped to provide rapid and effective response to infectious disease threats. ADPH will implement staff training and processes to enhance disease and outbreak investigations and surveillance, testing capabilities, laboratory outreach and coordination, and systems to maintain and expand electronic data exchange capabilities.
ADPH is applying for the following ELC Cross-cutting Programs and Projects: Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity, Leadership, Management, and Administration; Health Information Systems Capacity; and Emerging Cross-Cutting Outbreak Capacity. ADPH is also applying for the following emerging infectious disease programs and disease-specific projects: Enteric, Foodborne, Waterborne, and Zoonotic Diseases: Surveillance, Detection, Response, Reporting, and Prevention; Healthcare-associated Infections, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Antimicrobial Stewardship; Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network; Enhanced Surveillance for Vaccine-Preventable Disease and Respiratory Diseases; Vector-borne Diseases and Tick-associated Conditions; Mycotics: Detecting and Preventing Fungal Infections; Combating Antimicrobial Resistant Gonorrhea and Other STIs; and HIV Centers for Cluster and Outbreak Response Enhancement.