The Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP) at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) has offered opportunities for didactic learning and hands-on, practical experiences in public health for the last eleven years to 470 undergraduate students, all of whom are from historically underserved and socially disadvantaged populations. The CUMC wishes to continue this highly effective pipeline program that aims to diversify the public health workforce. SPHSP represents a strong partnership between the four professional colleges/schools comprising the CUMC: Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, College of Dental Medicine, School of Nursing, and the Mailman School of Public Health. This ten-week summer program will be housed at the Mailman School of Public Health and will annually recruit, train, and mentor 50 students from four-year colleges and recent college graduates who are undecided about their career choices.
The program includes rigorous public health course work (Introduction to Public Health, Biostatistics and Computer Application, Introduction to Epidemiology, and Health Disparities and Cultural Competence) at the fourth ranked school of public health in the nation; hands-on public health experiences and immersion in a diverse, economically disadvantaged urban environment; seminars and lectures from public health leaders; and mentoring by faculty members—ensuring students’ exposure to the breadth and importance of public health as a career option. Students will demonstrate outcomes that include but are not limited to—improved academic skills in public health, increased interest in the field of public health, increased awareness of career opportunities in public health, and improved understanding of professional and behavioral expectations for public health professionals.