Colorado Overdose Data To Action in States, Colorado: Project Abstract Summary
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) will collect, analyze, and disseminate high-quality, comprehensive, and timely data on overdose morbidity and mortality, and use those data to inform prevention efforts across Colorado. The overall purpose of this project is to prevent both fatal and non-fatal overdose events in Colorado by enhancing current surveillance efforts and implementing data-driven, evidence-based prevention and interventions. The overall expected outcome is an initial stabilization followed by a reduction in fatal and non-fatal overdoses in the state. CDPHE proposes to implement required Strategies 1, 2, 3, 6a, 6b, 7, 8, and 9 and optional Strategy 5 on data linking.
CDPHE will conduct four surveillance strategies: 1 (infrastructure) - Improve surveillance capacity, including two public dashboards on overdoses and buprenorphine, 2 (morbidity) - Disseminate timely, actionable emergency department (ED) data on non-fatal overdose to Colorado partners and CDC to rapidly detect and respond to suspected outbreaks and inform intervention, 3 (mortality) - Enhance surveillance using the SUDORS model of systematic review, abstraction, and analysis of coroner and medical examiner reports and toxicology testing on persons who died of an unintentional overdose, and if funded, Strategy 5 (data linking) - Link overdose mortality data with nonfatal overdoses treated in EDs and PDMP prescription data and analyze linked longitudinal data. Annually, CDPHE will create two data products for each strategy based on input from CDPHE prevention staff and external state and local partners.
The proposed prevention activities will be informed by surveillance data. CDPHE will implement or fund activities in the CDC prevention strategies:
Strategy 6a- Expand existing clinician education on screening, diagnosis, and linkage to care for opioid use disorder and stimulant use disorder. Improve capacity at the system-wide level to screen, diagnosis, and link to care at Centura Health System.
Strategy 6b- Actively monitor the PDMP and maintain interstate sharing. Release regular PDMP reports to prescribers.
Strategy 7- Work with Rocky Mountain HIDTA to develop PHAST and develop and provide trainings to those working at the intersection of public safety and public health. Expand the number of agencies participating in ODMAPs to identify areas of concern and respond more quickly to spike alerts.
Strategy 8- Release a request for applications to fund and integrate harm reduction activities at the local level with state efforts including using navigato=rs to connect people to services, stigma reduction campaigns, and ensuring PWUD have access to overdose prevention and reversal tools.
Strategy 9- Release a request for applications to fund local linkage to care activities in community-based organizations that utilize navigators.