The Indiana Department of Health Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention is requesting funds to: 1) create a plan to continue the Indiana National Violent Death Reporting System (INVDRS); 2) collect and abstract comprehensive data on violent deaths occurring in Indiana by linking death certificates, coroner reports that include toxicology reports, and law enforcement reports using the CDC guidelines and web-based data entry system; 3) disseminate INVDRS data to stakeholders, the public, and the CDC’s multistate database; and 4) explore innovative methods of collecting, reporting, and sharing data that could lead to improved timeliness and greater utilization for prevention efforts.
The purpose of the INVDRS is to collect, maintain, and disseminate complete and comprehensive surveillance data on violent deaths that occurred in Indiana from 2023-2027. The INVDRS will monitor and assess the magnitude, trends, and characteristics of violent deaths. The goal of the project is to translate research findings into prevention strategies by disseminating useful, actionable data to guide, support, and improve local, state, and national violence prevention policies, programs, and practices. The INVDRS Advisory Board will provide assistance in maintaining the reporting system, and will be made up of key partners in data collection and violence prevention. The most critical output is to continue utilizing INVDRS as a surveillance system to collect high quality and comprehensive information on violent death. The two main outputs of this project by the end of the funding period are 1) maintaining a strong working relationship with crucial partners, such as Indiana State Police, Indiana State Coroner Training Board, and Vital Records, and 2) disseminating violence prevention information from INVDRS to violence-prevention partners and the public.