Title: RAIN Program – Recruitment and Retention of American Indians into Nursing
University of North Dakota (UND) College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines
PURPOSE & GRANT ACTIVITIES:1) To increase the admission and retention of American Indian undergraduate and graduate students from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds at the University of North Dakota (UND) College of Nursing & Professional Disciplines (CNPD), 2) To mentor, empower, and fund American Indian nursing students from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds to successfully complete the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree and the Master of Science in Nursing degree with a certification as an APRN; and 3) To transform the nursing workforce by increasing American Indian graduates with the tools to practice quality, culturally aligned care in medically underserved communities (MUCs), particularly in North Dakota (ND) tribal communities and surrounding regions.
The RAIN program provides academic support and financial assistance to American Indian students who are seeking degrees in undergraduate and APRN nursing. The staff provide advisement, guidance, personal and financial counseling, and a "home away from home" environment. The mentors assess each student for individual academic and social needs and coach them through their challenges. The objective of the RAIN program is also to address the “wraparound support” needs of students. Some unique social determinants of our AI students include economic instability, loss of traditional values, historical trauma, and marginalization. The overall educational environment for RAIN with AI students addresses their challenges with social needs and fostered a sense of belonging. Over the last 35 years of IHS funding, the RAIN program has long been recognized as a leader in mentoring excellence in nursing education for American Indian students.
RAIN recruitment travel includes approximately 31 tribal communities each year. Due to the trusted and long-standing relationships of the RAIN program, they have a strong network of support with prospective students, tribal communities, the RAIN Advisory Council, and RAIN students and faculty. RAIN personnel also give priority to sustaining strong relationships with the Tribal Community Colleges, where many American Indian students begin their college careers.. In-kind UND personnel provide expertise that contributes to the success of the RAIN program, including grant management and compliance staff. The UND RAIN department has the proven capacity to promote delivery of health care to rural and AI residents by educating American Indian undergraduate and APRN nursing students and encouraging youth to consider nursing careers in tribal communities.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: RAIN is a program for AI nursing students that is totally grant-funded with no support from the ND state legislature or UND. Therefore, the RAIN program is cultured to sustain a tight budget and monitoring of students outcomes. The PI, PD and RAIN team reviews objectives, processes, and outcomes monthly and make timely changes using a continuous Quality Improvement (QI) approach. Expected outcomes for objectives are stated in the narrative. Measured outcomes include AI recruitment events, students admitted, awards, mentoring contacts, retention and graduation rates, NCLEX and NP certification rates, work placement after graduation, development workshops, and traditional honor events.