The CEPDPH will address the COVID-19 pandemic within El Paso County by expanding existing and developing new mitigation and prevention resources, including human resources dedicated to COVID-19 testing and vaccine activities targeting, but not limited to, Hispanic, African American, and Asian neighborhoods ? populations at are at higher risk and that are underserved. By employing trained staff and making improvements to the Health Information Exchange (HIE) system used to track COVID-10 morbidity and mortality, the CEPDPH will increase and improve data collection and reporting for populations experiencing a disproportionate burden of COVID-19 infection, Post-COVID-19 Syndrome, severe illness, and death to guide the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, for ?meeting and serving the population where they are,? the CEPDPH will call upon its community partners for building, leveraging, and expanding infrastructure support for COVID-19 prevention and control among populations that are at higher risk and underserved.