Project Abstract for A1: Workforce
The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) and its Population Health Division (PHD) provide comprehensive health services and have been accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board since 2017. We have demonstrated capability by having met and continuing to meet the domain standards and measures for Public Health Accreditation.
SFDPH seeks to enhance its workforce by recruiting, training, and sustaining staff and strengthening workforce planning, systems, processes, and procedures. This application addresses our areas for improvement outlined in our PHD Workforce Development Plan and Racial Equity Action Plan. It also incorporates analyses from the 2021 Public Health Workforce Interest and Needs Survey, employee engagement and equity surveys, Human Resource Services data, and qualitative data from key stakeholders including leadership, managers, and front-line staff.
Through Project INVEST (INnovations that Value Equity and Strengthen Teams), SFDPH will implement a broad range of activities that will support our workforce and fortify the public health system. Over the next five years, we intend to use Project INVEST to accelerate workforce-related transformative efforts across five (5) priority areas: equity and anti-racism efforts, hiring and grants management infrastructure, actionable data, training and workforce development, and external communications.
Below are the proposed outcomes:
• Increased hiring of diverse staff
• Improved organizational systems & processes
• Increased size and capabilities of the PH workforce
• Stronger PH foundational capacities
• Increased reach of PH services
• Accelerated prevention, preparedness, and response to emerging threats
• Improved other public health outcomes
SFDPH has the expertise and organizational capacity to implement the strategies and activities described in our approach for A1: Workforce. This funding will strengthen and further develop our workforce to achieve our mission of promoting the health and well-being of all San Franciscans.
Project Abstract for A2: Foundational Capabilities
We seek to strengthen overall systems, processes, and policies to ensure a strong core infrastructure needed to protect health and provide fair opportunities for all. We aim to enhance our foundational capabilities in re-accreditation, contracting, communications, community partnerships and leadership development to strengthen our ability to provide public health services for the communities we serve. Project INVEST will implement feasible and effective activities across 5 key thematic areas during Year 1: streamline public health re-accreditation, improve contracting, enhance communications, strengthen community partnerships, and invest in leadership competencies.
Below are the proposed outcomes:
• Increased hiring of diverse staff
• Improved organizational systems & processes
• Increased size and capabilities of the PH workforce
• Stronger PH foundational capacities
• Increased reach of PH services
• Accelerated prevention, preparedness, and response to emerging threats
• Improved other public health outcomes
SFDPH has the expertise and organizational capacity to implement the strategies and activities described in our approach for A2: Foundational Capabilities. This funding will provide support to PHD for core infrastructure improvements and will strengthen our external and internal partnerships. In addition, funding this Project INVEST proposal will support the preparation of our upcoming public health re-accreditation in March 2023 and will assure sustainable systems and processes for ongoing re-accreditation phases. SFDPH and PHD are poised and ready to transform to meet the evolving and complex needs of the communities we serve, while promoting the health and well-being of all San Franciscans.