As part of the integrated Florida Department of Health (FDOH), the Florida Department of Health in Duval County (DOH-Duval) provides essential public health services to approximately 966,728 Duval County, Florida residents. DOH-Duval plays a critical role in planning, delivering, evaluating, and improving public health within its jurisdiction. DOH-Duval is requesting funding to implement two strategies under Component A Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure, A1 Workforce and A2 Foundational Capabilities.
A1 Workforce
DOH-Duval will face significant replacement challenges in the upcoming years due to high turnover rates, vacancies, and anticipated retirements. This issue will be compounded by vacancies in public health positions that are considered hard to fill. It is anticipated that activities implemented under A1 Workforce will result in: 1) increased hiring of diverse staff, 2) increased size and capabilities of the public health workforce, and 3) stronger public health foundational capabilities. To reach these outcomes, DOH-Duval will hire a workforce development coordinator, trainer, PHAB reaccreditation specialist, strategic planning specialist, health planning/health equity specialist, and evaluator. Staffing will also be increased in key foundational areas through the hiring of registered nurses and medical assistants, as well as the hiring of staff in DOH-Duval’s environmental health and epidemiology programs. Activities to rapidly fill vacant positions with diverse staff include hosting job fairs in collaboration with local academic partners and community partners. The University of North Florida will receive funding to establish a public health fellowship and paid internship programs that places public health students and recent graduates at DOH-Duval. These grant activities will provide experience working in local public health and better prepare students and recent graduates for careers in public health. At the end of the five-year funding period, these activities will: 1) increase DOH-Duval’s capacity to provide accelerated prevention, preparedness, and response to emerging threats and 2) improve other health outcomes in Jacksonville, FL.
A2 Foundational Capabilities
Results from the 2017 Public Health Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS) provided important information about DOH-Duval’s current and future workforce needs. PH WINS identified the top skill gaps and training opportunities at DOH-Duval were related to 1) systems and strategic thinking, 2) financial management, and 3) developing a vision for a healthy community. Activities under A2 Foundational Capabilities will train new and existing staff to build the foundational capabilities with a focus on community partnerships, assessment/surveillance, policy development, communications, organizational administrative competencies, and accountability/performance management. Additional activities under A2 Foundational Capabilities will focus on reaccreditation readiness, including the 1) training of key staff, 2) implementation of mechanisms to gain feedback and input from staff, 3) coordination of health equity programming, and 4) the updating of DOH-Duval’s foundational plans. It is anticipated that activities implemented under A1 Workforce and A2 Foundational Capabilities will result in: 1) improved organizational systems and processes, 2) increased size and capabilities of DOH-Duval’s workforce, and 3) stronger public health foundational capabilities. At the end of the five-year funding period, these activities will: 1) increase DOH-Duval’s capacity to provide accelerated prevention, preparedness, and response to emerging threats and 2) improve other health outcomes in Jacksonville, FL.