The overarching goal of the DeKalb County Health Department (DCHD) Cooperative Agreement to Support Navigators in Federally-facilitated Exchanges is to assure that our citizens have an informed, non-biased, non-judgmental resource to assist them in obtaining healthcare coverage, allowing them a path to preventive, primary, and comprehensive care.
More specific goals and benchmarks include, but are not limited to, a.) Number of public outreaches, enrollment, and educational events to raise awareness about the FFEs and helping consumers understand their health coverage options; b.) Number of consumers expected to be reached through marketing and promotion activities, as measured through social media impressions, etc.; c.) Number of consumers expected to receive 1:1 assistance from an FFE Navigator in response to general or specific inquiries; d.) Number of consumers expected to be assisted by an FFE Navigator with enrolling or re-enrolling in a QHP; e.) Number of consumers expected to be assisted by an FFE Navigator with Medicaid/CHIP applications or referrals.
The amount of funding requested for DCHD Project is $233,005.00 for the third 12-month budget period. Funding will support 3 PT Navigators (1.9) FTE Navigators and marketing and administrative support to the Program. The target population is anyone who is uninsured, with an emphasis on the underserved in DeKalb County including those in poverty, people of color, the young/invincible generation, and the LGBTQ community.
DeKalb County Health Department has a nine-year history of providing programming to assist our citizens in obtaining healthcare coverage. We have remained diligent in our efforts even though funding has been minimal. The additional funding provided through this Cooperative Agreement will allow us to continue staffing highly-qualified Navigators and funding to accomplish targeted outreach campaigns to increase the number of insured in our County and surrounding counties.