Project Description / Abstract:
My long-term career goal is to improve caregiver and patient dyad outcomes by developing family-
centered psychosocial interventions that enhance education, support, and skill-building in caregivers of
moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (msTBI) survivors. The training activities in my K23 proposal include:
(1) mentored experiential learning; (2) seminars, workshops, and conferences; (3) didactic coursework; and (4)
skills developed by completing the study aims. Training will be overseen by my Primary Mentor (Opeolu
Adeoye, University of Cincinnati (UC)), and Co-Mentors (Tamilyn Bakas, UC; Shari Wade, UC; Brad Kurowski,
UC). Additional training will be obtained by working with Collaborators (Heidi Sucharew and Paula Shear, UC;
and Carrie Collier, Bowen Family Systems Theory Research Group). My research will test Caregiver Wellness
after TBI (CG-Well), a skill-building, education, and support intervention I have developed. I will be prepared to
submit an R01 for a large Phase III clinical trial at the completion of the K23 award.
After injury, survivors of msTBI depend on informal family caregivers. Upwards of 77% of family
caregivers experience poor outcomes, such as adverse life changes, poor health related quality of life, and
increased depressive symptoms. Caregivers frequently report minimal support or training to prepare them for
their new role. Periods of care transitions, such as ICU discharge, are most difficult. The majority (93%) of
previously developed caregiver and caregiver/survivor dyad interventions after msTBI focus on providing
information or practical skills to either survivors, or to long-term caregivers (>6 months post injury), rather than
education, support, and skill-building that the new caregiver may use proactively that will benefit the dyad
acutely after injury. The Aims of this proposal are to: (1) Determine feasibility, satisfaction, and data trends of
CG-Well; and (2) Understand how baseline psychosocial risk factors affect response to CG-Well compared to
an Information, Support, and Referral control group. To accomplish this, I will first enroll 6-10 caregivers and
tailor CG-well until each finds the intervention acceptable, appropriate, and feasible. I will then enroll 100
(50/group) dyads and determine satisfaction ratings, recruitment, retention, and treatment fidelity of CG-Well.
Additionally, I will determine if caregivers report reductions in depressive symptoms and improvements in life
changes as a result of improvements in task difficulty and threat appraisal in CG-Well compared to ISR at six
months. Information obtained in Aims 1 and 2 will be used to plan a larger Phase III trial of CG-Well.
Completing these Aims and the training plan will improve outcomes of caregivers and downstream outcomes
of survivors of msTBI, and provide me with the skillset necessary to become an independent researcher who
can develop and test high-impact, high-fidelity, sustainable interventions.