PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT (limit 30 lines of text)
Cleaning and disinfection (C&D) activities pose work-related asthma (WRA) risks for nurses. C&D
involves an inherent “risk-risk tradeoff”: increased C&D leading to increased WRA risks and
simultaneous decreased occupational infection risks. Our preliminary data from a risk-risk tradeoff
survey indicate that nurses are generally willing to increase infection risks to maintain lower asthma
risks, if they think they think they will recover. Translating these concerns to C&D protocol changes is
challenging due to logistical constraints and lack of awareness about asthma risks from C&D. My
long-term goal is to advance methodologies for relating tolerable occupational respiratory
disease risks to public health policy interventions. Specific training aims are proposed: 1)
Develop independent competency in designing behavioral economic surveys for studying risk
perceptions and risk tolerances of WRA, 2) Develop independent competency in conducting health
policy analyses in intervention contexts with qualitative methods, 3) Apply bioethics and public health
policy principles to risk-risk tradeoff methodologies for assessing evaluations of WRA risk and risk
perception. These training aims will be accomplished through formal coursework, involvement in the
American Thoracic Society, qualitative research and health policy trainings, and assigned readings
and discussion with mentors. The University of Arizona is an ideal environment for the proposed
training, offering opportunities for training through faculty at the Asthma & Airway Disease Research
Center and the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center. This training will be applied
through 3 specific research aims: 1) Administer a C&D risk-risk tradeoff survey to 1,000 nurses in the
state of Arizona to collect data for microbial risk assessments, 2) Understand barriers to C&D policy
changes in the workplace, 3) Identify, describe, and assess C&D policy options with health policy
analysis. Aim 1 will involve adaption of a current risk-risk tradeoff survey and recruitment of 1,000
registered nurses. These data will be used in a microbial risk assessment to inform the needed
frequency and intensity of C&D to achieve acceptable risks. Aim 2 will involve interviews with
registered nurses (n=40) and key informant interviews with facilities management, legal and workers’
compensation staff, occupational health specialists, and infection preventionists (n=2-3/group). Aim 3
will involve the use of a policy Delphi method (n=75). Translating risk-risk tradeoff analysis to inform
C&D policies will increase the impact of behavioral economics translation in respiratory occupational
health research. Understanding barriers to C&D protocol changes and identifying feasible policy
change strategies will inform future efforts (NHLBI R01) to quantify acceptable OA and infection risks,
including the perspectives of patients, to implement and evaluate C&D policy changes nationally.