Applicant: San Mateo, County of Grant: HRSA FY2024 Expanded Hours (HRSA-25-084) Address: 222 W. 39th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403- 4364 Website: Health Center Program Grant Number: H80CS00051 Project Title: Expanded Hours Project Director: Jim Beaumont Phone: 650-573-2459 Email: Congressional District: CA-014 The Health Care for Homeless/Farmworker Health (HCH/FH) Program has delivered comprehensive health services to homeless people residing in San Mateo County since 1990 and to farmworkers and their dependents since 2010. Housed within San Mateo Medical Center (SMMC), the public hospital and clinic system for San Mateo County, HCH/FH leverages the primary care, dental care, behavioral health, and enabling services provided by SMMC and San Mateo County Health (SMCH) in 18 fixed delivery sites, 2 mobile sites, and 1 administrative site. HCH/FH has a target population of an estimated 6,688 people who are experiencing homelessness and the 1,500 migratory and seasonal farmworkers employed in farming operations and their families in San Mateo County. The HCH/FH service area includes all of San Mateo County (31 ZCTAs located between San Francisco and Santa Clara counties) and is widely known as one of the most expensive places to live in the world, leaving farmworkers and the homeless as outlier groups at a significant financial disadvantage. In calendar year 2023, HCH/FH served 4,679 unique patients. Sixty percent of HCH/FH patients are of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, with 49% of HCH/FH’s patient population preferring to receive healthcare services in a language other than English, primarily Spanish. HCH/FH is requesting $500,000 in Expanded Hours funding in each year 1 and 2 to achieve the goals and objectives stated below: Goals: Expand access and alleviate barriers to high-quality primary care by increasing the number of hours during which services are provided to patients. Within six months of receiving t
he award, San Mateo County HCH/FH will expand hours of service at two (2) sites, achieving an increase in unique patients served of two (2) per week, and an increase in the number of patient/client visits of thirty (30) per week. Objectives by Expansion Location: Coastside Clinic: Additional 4 hours/week (Sundays) and 5-6 additional patients (possibly 2/week will be new patients to the health center). Ideally would like to use mobile clinic that isn’t currently used on weekends. 39th Avenue Clinic: Additional 3 – 4 hours/night, 5 nights/week, additional 5 patients per night (largely existing patients).