Project Title Frederiksted Health Care Expanded Hours
Applicant Name Frederiksted Health Care, Inc.
Address 516 Strand Street, Frederiksted VI 00840-3533
Project Director Masserae Sprauve-Webster
Phone (340) 772-1992 extension 2132
Email/Web URL
Congressional District U.S. Virgin Islands At-Large (VI-000)
Funding Request GY1 $500,000; GY2 $500,000
Frederiksted Health Care, Inc. is the only Health Center Program funded or Look Alike organization on the medically underserved and geographically isolated island of St. Croix in the U. S. Virgin Islands. In 2023, Frederiksted Health Care provided medical, dental, mental health, substance use disorder, pharmacy and enabling services to almost 9,000 unduplicated individuals. The vast majority of these individuals had income below 200% of federal poverty guidelines.
The entire island is designated as a Medically Underserved Area and primary care, dental, and mental health Health Professional Shortage Areas. Frederiksted Health Care operates four service delivery sites on St. Croix which are located in key populations areas. The Health Resources and Services Administration’s Unmet Need Score rates St. Croix’s unmet need for health care services as 81 out of 100 with the higher score reflecting higher need.
There are few options available for low-income individuals in the service area for accessibility outside normal business hours. There are no other Health Center Program grantees or Look Alikes operating on St. Croix. The only other safety net provider on the island is the V.I. Department of Health which does not provide primary care services outside of business hours with the exception of community-based events such as the annual agricultural fair.
The sole general hospital on the island, the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital and Medical Center, does not offer outpatient primary care services. For a time, the medical center operated an emergency department “fast track” service for lower acuity needs that operated outside of business hours, however those services have not operated since pre-COVID. The emergency department continues to be an option for services for individuals who are unable to access care during business hours, however capacity is severely limited due to significant damage to the physical building during the hurricanes in 2017 and use for non-urgent care severely tasks the system’s capacity.
Frederiksted Health Care proposes to provide medical, behavioral health, and enabling services for eight hours on Saturdays and four hours on Sundays at two community health centers that are strategically located on the far western end of the island where low-income populations are concentrated and in the middle of the island near the hospital emergency department also in an area where low-income populations are concentrated. This will include the expansion of Saturday hours at the Ingeborg Nesbitt Health Center, the introduction of Saturday hours at the Mid Island Health Center and the introduction of Sunday hours at both Ingeborg Nesbitt Health Center and Mid Island Health Center. A total of 20 additional hours of service will be provided through this proposal.