Problem: At the current time, a Family-to-Family Health Information Center does not exist to serve AIAN families residing within the MCN reservation. However, with grant funding, it will allow CFSA to create a Family-to-Family Health Information Center for AIAN families residing within the MCN reservation who need assistance with coordination of care for children and youth, ages 0-15, who are at risk of having a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition and require health and related services beyond that required by children and youth generally. The Family-to-Family Health Center will provide approximate 693 AIAN children and youth, ages 0-15, with the resources needed to navigate the complex health networks for the child to receive the specialty care they need. Goals and Objectives: Goal 1: Within the first year of the grant, a Project Coordinator will be hired to plan, develop and establish the MCN Family-to-Family Health Information Center. Objectives: Task 1: Advertise, interview, and hire a Project Coordinator. Task 2: Purchase Surface Pro, monitors, docking station, keyboard, mouse, desk, and file cabinet. Task 3: Attend new hire orientation. Task 4: Planning the development and establishment of the MCN Family-to-Family Health Information Center. Task 5: Engage project partners and key stakeholders . Task 6: Host monthly meetings with Project partners. Task 7: Collaborate with Project partners. Task 8: Collaborate with Project partners to complete a needs assessment. Task 9: Gain approval of all plans by the Secretary of Community and Human Services. Task 10: Create a customer satisfaction survey. Task 11: Create and print brochures and/or pamphlets. Task 12: Attend yearly Technical Assistance Meeting. Task 13: Complete the grant programmatic reports annually as required. Goal 2: At the beginning of the second year, the Project Coordinator will provide resources, education, support, referral, and advocacy
through a cultural and trauma-informed lens for AIAN families with children, ages 0-15, experiencing special healthcare needs utilizing the MCN Family-to-Family Healthcare Information Center. Objectives: Task 1: Begin advertising the MCN Family-to-Family Health Information Center. Task 2: Attend outreach events each quarter. Task 3: Obtain signature on HIPPA forms. Task 4: Task 4: Begin documenting and assisting AIAN families. Task 5: Continue meeting with Project partners and key stakeholders. Task 6: Begin data collection. Task 7: Administer survey to AIAN families. Methodology: The overall goal of the creation of the MCN Family-to-Family Health Information Center is to provide the resources, education, support, referrals, and advocacy through a cultural and trauma-informed lens for AIAN families with children, ages 0-15, experiencing special healthcare needs. The overall goal of this project will be met by accomplishing the following goals, objectivities, and activities. Coordination: The MCN Children and Family Services Administration will coordinate with appropriate, national, regional, tribal, and local health agencies to implement this Project. Meetings will be held each quarter throughout the grant. Evaluation: A robust data collection and analysis system will be established and collected by the Project Coordinator utilizing an Excel database. The Project Coordinator will input and analyze data on a monthly basis to ensure the MCN Family-to-Family Health Information Center Project is meeting its overall goal and objectives.