WestCare Georgia will take a syndemic approach to providing substance use prevention services; substance use disorder (SUD) treatment; and HIV, STI, and viral hepatitis prevention services, testing, vaccination, and linkage to treatment.
Populations served: The proposed population of focus is youth and adults ages 13 and older in the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta Metropolitan Statistical area (the Atlanta Metro area) of Georgia who are particularly vulnerable to or living with HIV/AIDS, including gay and bisexual men, men who have sex with men or men and women from racial/ethnic minorities, Black women, and People who Inject Drugs (PWID).
Strategies/Interventions: The program will provide substance use prevention services; substance use disorder (SUD) treatment; and HIV, STI, and viral hepatitis prevention services, testing, vaccination, and linkage to treatment. WCGA will use a variety of evidence-based curriculums, including Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Strengths-Based Case Management, PreVenture, Living in Balance, Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services, and Making Proud Choices.
Goals and Objectives: Goal 1: Expand capacity in Metro Atlanta to provide substance use prevention, SUD treatment, and HIV and viral hepatitis prevention and treatment services to residents 13 years or older with a focus on gay and bisexual men, men who have sex with men or men and women from racial/ethnic minorities, Black women, and People who Inject Drugs (PWID). Objective 1.1: Provide HIV Counseling, Testing, and Linkage (CTL) to 900 individuals (Y1 = 100; Y2-5 = 200 annually). Objective 1.2: Provide Hepatitis C testing to 650 individuals (Y1 = 50; Y2-5 = 150 annually). Objective 1.3: Provide syphilis testing to 450 individuals (Y1 = 50; Y2-5 = 100 annually) Objective 1.4: Provide substance use prevention or SUD/Co-Occurring treatment to 400 individuals (Y1 & 5 = 50; Y2-4 = 100 annually). Objective 1.5: Link 70% of those who test positive for HIV or VH or who need substance use or mental health services to appropriate care and treatment. Goal 2: Improve functioning among Metro Atlanta residents, aged 13 and older, who are particularly vulnerable to or living with HIV/AIDS. Objective 2.1: 80% of participants will remain abstinent or reduce/eliminate substance use during the 30 days prior to discharge, and 70% will remain abstinent or further reduce/eliminate substance use at 6-months post admission as measured by the GPRA. Objective 2.2: 80% of the participants who complete the program will be attending a school/vocational program or have employment at discharge, and 70% of those will remain enrolled or employed at 6-months post admission as measured by the GPRA. Objective 2.3: 80% of the participants completing the program will have stable living arrangements at discharge, and 70% will maintain the living arrangement 6-months post admission as measured by the GPRA. Objective 2.4: 80% of the participants completing the program will have increased social connectedness at discharge, and 70% will maintain their social connectedness at 6-months post admission as measured by the GPRA. Goal 3: Reduce risk taking behavior and increase knowledge related to the transmission of HIV, Hepatitis, and STDs. Objective 3.1: 80% of the youth completing Project STYLE will exhibit decreased sexual risk-taking behavior, including fewer unsafe sexual contacts and fewer sexual partners at discharge and will continue to exhibit decreased risk-taking behavior at 3 months post completion. Objective 3.2: 80% of the youth completing Project STYLE will increase knowledge of risk behaviors related to acquiring HIV and STDs as measured by the HIV KQ 18 and the Sexually Transmitted Disease Knowledge Questionnaire.